State of Alaska Website

In accordance with State of Alaska Sec. 18.23.400. Disclosure and reporting of health care services, price, and fee information Anchorage Endoscopy Center, LLC shall compile a list of the ten most common procedures performed at our facility. The list shall contain:

(1) the procedure code;
(2) the undiscounted price; and
(3) any facility fees


The following will be a description of the procedures:

Screening Colonoscopy

A colonoscopy is an exam used to detect changes or abnormalities in the large intestine (colon) and rectum. During the procedure, a long flexible tube is inserted into the rectum. A tiny video camera, at the tip of the tube, allows the doctor to view the inside of the entire colon.

Diagnostic Colonoscopy

A diagnostic colonoscopy is performed as a result of an abnormal finding, sign or symptom (such as abdominal pain, bleeding, diarrhea).

Diagnostic Colonoscopy w/ Biopsy

A diagnostic colonoscopy is where the doctor can also insert instruments through the flexible tube to take tissue samples (biopsies) or remove polyps or other areas of abnormal tissue.

Diagnostic Colonoscopy w/ Injection

A diagnostic colonoscopy w/injection is where the doctor passes a needle through the flexible tube to inject fluid into the submucosal layer, at the edge of a polyp, to lift the polyp. This makes it safer and easier to remove the polyp and protect the surrounding tissue.

Diagnostic Colonoscopy w/ Snare

A diagnostic colonoscopy is where a wire loop device is passed through the flexible tube to slip over a polyp and on closure, results in cutting the polyp off at its stalk.

Diagnostic Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

A diagnostic flexible sigmoidoscopy is an exam used to evaluate the lower part of the large intestine (colon). During a flexible sigmoidoscopy exam, a thin, flexible tube with a tiny video camera is inserted into the rectum.

Diagnostic Flexible Sigmoidoscopy w/ Biopsy

During a flexible sigmoidoscopy with biopsy, the doctor may find polyps or abnormal tissue and remove (biopsy). An instrument is inserted through the tube to remove (biopsy) the polyp or abnormal tissue.

Diagnostic EGD

A diagnostic EGD is performed to examine the linings of your esophagus, stomach and upper part of your small intestine. An endoscope is a small flexible tube with a tiny camera. The tube is passed down your throat through the esophagus, stomach and upper part of your small intestine.

Diagnostic EGD w/ Biopsy

During a diagnostic EGD with biopsy, the doctor might take small tissue samples (biopsy) with an (endoscope) a small flexible tube with a camera. The doctor then removes the tissue samples (biopsy) through the endoscope.

If a biopsy is taken during your procedure, it will be sent to pathology. The pathology provider we use is Boston Scientific Corporation. You will receive a separate bill for your pathology results from this provider. Anchorage Endoscopy Center, LLC, nor its physicians, have ownership in Boston Scientific Corporation.

If you choose anesthesia for your procedure(s), you may receive a separate bill from this provider. The anesthesia provider is Anesthesia Care Associates. Anchorage Endoscopy Center, LLC, nor its physicians, have ownership in Anesthesia Care Associates.

In-Network Preferred Providers
Below is a list of healthcare insurers with which Anchorage Endoscopy Center, LLC has contracted with to provide healthcare services as an in-network preferred provider.


Aetna SOA (retired only) Medicaid (except Medicaid 21 & Project Access)
Blue Cross Blue Shield Tricare/Triwest
Cigna VA
Medicare (except Railroad Medicare)
Out of Network Charges

At this time, Anchorage Endoscopy Center, LLC writes off these charges.

Health Care Services: Code, Description & Non-Discounted Prices

Below there is a list of Anchorage Endoscopy Center, LLC health care services with the code, description and non-discounted prices.

The non-discounted price may be higher or lower than the amount an individual actually pays for the health care services described in the list.


G0121 Screening Colonoscopy $2,732.34
G0105 Screening Colonoscopy, High-Risk $2,732.34
45378 Diagnostic Colonoscopy $2,732.34
45380 Diagnostic Colonoscopy w/ Biopsy $3,570.36
45381 Diagnostic Colonoscopy w/ Injection $3,570.36
45385 Diagnostic Colonoscopy w/ Snare $3,570.36
45330 Diagnostic Flexible Sigmoidoscop  $1,086.84
45331 Diagnostic Flexible Sigmoidoscopy w/ Biopsy $2,732.34
43235 Diagnostic EGD $2,785.98
43239 Diagnostic EGD w/ Biopsy $2,785.98

CPT Copyright 2022. American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.

The CPT codes are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. The AMA specifically disclaims all liability for use or accuracy of any CPT codes.